Our service

Usability evaluation

Usability Testing

We ask ordinary users to actually use your products and services, and find and analyze usability issues from their behavior.

Expert Review

An expert evaluation is a simple usability evaluation performed by a usability expert checking your product without the participation of general users.

User survey

Interview survey

Through interviews, we collect information about the minds of consumers and users, such as daily lifestyles, the decision-making process for purchasing products, and the decision-making process for selecting products and services.

Questionnaire survey

We conduct questionnaires using the Internet, mail, fax, etc. to understand consumers’ likes and dislikes, behavior patterns and values.

Site visit

We visit the homes and workplaces of users who are actually using the product, and find out how they are actually using the product, problems in using it, and dissatisfaction.

Product lending survey

We rent out your product to general users and investigate any problems or complaints that occur during the period of use.

Evaluation activity support

Participants recruitment

We help recruit participants for usability testing and interview surveys.

Test facility rental

A test room with extensive equipment for usability testing is available.

Evaluation staff dispatch

We will send out our experienced staff to your usability test.

Data collection

Basic data collection

We collect basic data necessary for product development and technology development.